Yes, we just got a company jingle…

Daniel Ramsey
3 min readJun 28, 2022

Be warned; it’s very catchy!
So if you listen, you might be humming it all day. Check it out below!

Only at MyOutDesk by Queenie, the official corporate jingle for MyOutDesk

jingle /ˈjiNGɡəl/ — noun.
[a short verse or song marked by catchy repetition]

Did you know that approximately 563 Kit Kat fingers are consumed every second? In 1986, junior copywriter Ken Shuldman wrote a catchy jingle for Kit Kat, which became a global phenomenon. That’s all I had to say and you’re already hearing that “give me a break…” tune in your head, aren’t you?

A catchy song for your product, as cheesy as it often can be, do wonders for your advertising. Heck, it probably should be a little cheesy! People tend to remember songs that make them laugh or shake their heads, just as much as if they made them tap their feet. If you can manage to pull off all of that, then that’s lightning in a bottle. It’s your brand and it’s now stuck in their head. You know it’s effective advertising when someone only needs to hear the opening line of the jingle before the product name pops up in their mind. And brand recognition like that is invaluable.

Jingle All The Way

We may not be a delicious chocolate treat, but we still thought it’d be fun to come up with a little jingle of our own. But rather than commission a songwriter to draft something up, we decided to give the song a bit more authenticity. So we decided to tap into the massive pool of talent we already have! We created an internal contest among our thousands of virtual assistants in the Philippines, challenging them to come up with a little MyOutDesk jingle of their own.

Because who better to sing about our great service than the people who make it great? Our outstanding VA Queenie secured the top prize by submitting this impressively crafted song, accompanied by a killer music video that looks straight off of MTV!

The Winners

3rd Runner-Up:

Kam crushed it on vocals and guitar, creating a sweet rock-n-roll jam. Watch/listen to the song HERE!

2nd Runner-Up:

Gabriel had us head-banging at our desk with this awesome, almost heavy metal song. Watch/listen to the song HERE!

1st Runner-Up:

Daisy knocked it out of the park with this beautiful ballad!
Watch/listen to the song HERE!

Fan Favorite

As mentioned before, we included a bonus winner. The number of likes on Facebook determined this bonus winner. This award went to… you guessed it, Queenie! She really left her mark when she shared this absolute banger with the virtual assistant community on Facebook. Congrats, Queenie! See you at the VMA’s next year!

The Best Of The Best

As you can see, here at MyOutDesk we have some very talented professionals! Not only can they tackle just about any remote task you challenge them with, but they can create and perform real, good music! It goes to show that we don’t just hire based on what we see on paper; anyone can have years of experience, a laundry list of certifications, and a degree.

While we of course value all of those things very highly (because after all, we are providing reliable professionals), we also look for strong personality and culture fit. It’s important that our virtual assistants be comfortable, confident, and human. They end up being just as much a part of your team as someone local, so it’s imperative they fit in. And who doesn’t want an experienced inside sales agent who can also perform a heavy metal ballad?



Daniel Ramsey

Daniel Ramsey is an entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of MyOutDesk, a company that provides virtual staffing solutions to businesses in various industries.