Where Should Your Real Estate Virtual Assistant Start?
A real estate virtual assistant is more than just “hired help”. We’re not just talking about a person, but a professional — with an education, experience, a great work-ethic, and a mindset of service that truly cares about your success. Why? Because those are the only type of VA candidates we source for our clients!
With all of that care, knowledge & ability on hand, it’s natural to feel a little overwhelmed. “OK, my VA can help with nearly anything — so where do they start?” I’ve heard that question hundreds of times, here’s one of my favorite answers: YOUR DATABASE.
You know what I’m talking about — that all-encompassing, ultra-important repository for leads, prospects, clients & acquaintances you’ve been chucking names, emails & numbers into for years.
Database & contact management is exactly where Lori Ballen started when she on-boarded her virtual assistant. As the CEO of Ballen Brands — specializing in real estate sales, websites, search engine optimization, and digital marketing — Lori has a LOT of contacts, and maintaining her business relationships with them is critical to her success. Keeping them all organized can be a challenge, but it’s worth the effort — as Lori says, “your database is your goldmine”.
Lori’s MyOutDesk virtual assistant, named Faith, is in charge of managing & fiercely defending Lori’s database from all sorts of impending real estate disasters — typically incorrect & partial contact info. Lori has a busy schedule, networks a lot, and meets new contacts on a daily basis. Sometimes she has a business card with all of a contact’s revelant details, other times it’s only a name or email address.
When Lori adds new contacts, Faith looks them up, cross-referencing them to her other clients, filling in missing names, numbers, social-media profiles, emails and other data — and then she adds them to email campaign sequences to ensure they stay updated on Lori’s latest listings. In a recent interview, Lori said:
“It’s shocking how many real estate agents either don’t have a database or simply aren’t using the one they have. This is something that a virtual assistant can do for you — fill in the gaps & holes in your database. When you’re a real estate agent, you’re busy — running from one thing to the next. When new leads come in, you give them to your VA, they enter them into your database & drip systems, and you don’t have to deal with it.”
“My virtual assistant helps us track leads, tells us where they’re coming from, helps put them onto campaigns, sends them home searches, and helps keeps those prospects & client data clean. That’s important, because your database is your goldmine.”
Lori’s right: your database is your goldmine! In real estate, 7% of the contacts in your database will enter into a real estate transaction each year, and if you follow up with them diligently and keep yourself top-of-mind, you’ll be their agent of choice when they’re ready to move.
In addition to direct transactions, keeping up with your database means that you’re more likely to get referrals from other agents, get recommendations for friends, relatives & colleagues by past clients, and of course find even more transactions by staying top of mind with colleagues & industry contacts.
These are ALL areas that a virtual assistant can help with — some what are you waiting for? Visit https://www.myoutdesk.com and schedule a free Double Your Business Strategy Call to get a virtual assistant to work generating more leads, streamlining your current deal pipeline, and helping you grow your real estate business today!
Original Story: https://www.myoutdesk.com/where-should-your-virtual-assistant-start-your-database/