Ten Real Estate Conversation Killers You MUST Avoid!
In Real Estate, meaningful conversations are created through connections — and those conversations are what lead to sales, listings, and ultimately commissions. A good conversation can either make or break you, either launching a long-term client relationship that leads to deals, or potentially losing you a client & potentially even damaging your reputation if things fall apart.
Develop your relationships & create solid connections with people by building your communication skills. In Real Estate, this is a key skill that will make or break your career. The way you communicate can make a world of difference in closing a transaction or losing it, and that careers over to your real estate career in general.
Ten conversation killers and how to avoid them:
1. Lack of Focus:
When you are not available physically, mentally, or emotionally while having conversations, you lose the chance to connect with the other person or people you are speaking with. Entirely investing in your conversation means being present in every way. Tuning all else out, putting down your phone and giving your full and undivided attention will not only enrich your conversation but encourage and foster a better one.
2. Failure to comprehend & understand:
This is perhaps one of the most important aspects of a conversation. Listening and engaging with intent and focus allow you to absorb the essential information and emotions of a conversation. Take the time not just to understand the message but the person sending it. Actively listening underlines vital information and allows you to comprehend the message behind the words entirely.
3. Failure to connect:
Common ground or mutual interests is the best foundation to cultivate a substantial exchange. They are fertile ground that allows for active engagement and stirs interest. Striving to find common areas of interest or shared experiences can be a high jump-off point to getting to the heart of the matter with both parties fully open and accepting.
4. Lack of sensitivity or self-awareness:
Being insensitive, unappreciative, irritable or irritating or even outright offensive are big conversation killers. Even if this is not your intention, failure to catch actions that may convey the previously mentioned attitudes can cause a conversation to be unfruitful.
5. Failure to convey genuine concern or interest:
Nothing is more off-putting than talking to someone who is self-centered and obviously only cares about themselves and hearing their own voice. Selfish speakers are shallow listeners, too concerned with themselves and what they have to say to be interested and engaged with others.
6. Failure to create dialogue:
Conversations are very much about give and take as opposed to one-sided monologues. Conversations are supposed to connect people and ideas, not create dissonance. One-sided conversations create distance and disinterest.
7. Failure to create rapport:
Ask questions, empathize, and develop resonance. Foster an interaction that nurtures interest and assures connection. A lack of rapport is failure to determine how strong or weak the link you are making is.
8. Failure to avoid one-upmanship:
If you are competitive or even just want to establish why you should be heard and listened to you could easily fall into one-upmanship. Focusing too much on your expertise and accomplishments may lead to disinterest from the other party. Never compare or continuously steal the spotlight.
9. Failure to establish credibility:
Effective conversationalists attune their message to their skills, the audience, and the targeted results. They generate higher likability and credibility by being more intentional and authentic.
10. Lack of empathy:
Criticism, judgments, hostility, and mockery even in jest can kill any conversation quickly. Instead, try warmth and positivity to show that you genuinely care.
While we know that making the sale is vital to your bottom line, creating relationships that are strong and built on trust and a good experience is what ensures longevity and resilience no matter what the climate of the industry may be. Communicating effectively and purposefully is the first step to building these kinds of relationships.
Having a supportive team that will not only adapt the art of conversation but helps boost the development of your own communication skills is just as important. Visit us online at https://www.myoutdesk.com and schedule your Double My Business Strategy Session and use our virtual assistant services to start building that team today!
Original Story: https://www.myoutdesk.com/conversationkillers/