Industry Leader Gets Personal With Entrepreneurs Guide To 2022

Daniel Ramsey
4 min readOct 28, 2021


Are you ready for 2022? It might be hard to imagine anyone being truly ready for a new year, after the tumultuous couple of years we’ve had as of late. Nonetheless, anyone seeking success needs to have some kind of plan mapped out for the upcoming year, and entrepreneurs are no exception.

After having a conversation with a fellow entrepreneur, someone very successful and established, I realized that not everyone has a solid plan. At least not one for themselves! We often hear people discuss their plans for things like their business and financial goals, but rarely discuss their personal plans to support themselves.

We have to remember that our plans are meaningless if we aren’t in a position to execute them in a healthy manner. That led me to record this helpful little video for any entrepreneur out there who needs a little nudge in the right direction, as this year winds down.

We’re only a couple of months away from 2022, so there is no time like now to start preparing for its inevitable arrival. It’s easy to assume that because someone is an entrepreneur and seems successful at it, that they must have everything figured out.

But not always!

And that’s who I hope to target with this content; the people without a solid plan or support system. The people who might be banging their head against the wall, burning themselves out and wondering why. Perhaps with a bit of insight into my own entrepreneurial routines, someone might realize that missing piece of their own puzzle. So read on for a summary of my advice, and watch the short video above for even more details.

It might just save your year!


I think of my own support system as having layers, each with a different purpose but all working together to reach a common goal: keep me sane and effective. These layers have varying consistencies, which we’ll highlight for each. Let’s go over those layers…


Having people to confide in and exchange words of advice with is invaluable. It’s especially important in this context that they share some experience with the path you’re on. A peer group should have people doing similar things that you are, pursuing similar goals in similar fashions. You can vent to them, and they can give advice when appropriate. You also have the opportunity to hear their struggles, give your own advice and reflect on it all. It’s therapeutic, without the therapy bill.

Schedule: Accountability meetings: weekly.

Strategy meetings: quarterly.


This layer is often one, maybe two people. What differs the coach from a peer, is this should be someone who’s “been there, done that”. They aren’t really on the same path as you right now, because they already walked it. Your coach should be someone knowledgeable and experienced with what you’re going through.

If you’re climbing a mountain do you want to hire a guide who read about mountain climbing once or someone who already climbed a mountain? In this case, they should already confidently understand high-level leadership, sales, marketing, etc. They’ve built something before, and now they’re in a position to help others build too.

Schedule: Monthly meetings.


Also referred to as a “business advisory group”, this is a source of people in your industry. People who understand your model and may have similar experiences. Similar to the peer group, except these folks typically should be a bit more versed in your specific industry. These aren’t folks with “book knowledge”, but rather, hands-on experience. They may be slightly ahead of the curve from where you’re at and are typically composed of 3–7 individuals.

Schedule: Quarterly meetings.


This is probably the most controversial layer, as not everyone believes in the value of therapy. Nonetheless, I do and I’ve found it immensely valuable in my journey. Whether you call it a therapist or a spirit coach, this is someone not necessarily involved in entrepreneurship the way you are, but more so an expert on mental well-being.

Someone you can just talk to about all things non-professional, for mental stability. Think of it as going to the gym for your soul. Never underestimate the value of mental health and never take it for granted.

Schedule: meet weekly.


There you have it; four layers of support that any and all entrepreneurs should at least consider. It’s all part of having a healthy routine in your life, a rhythm if you will. These weekly, monthly, and quarterly meetings are just as important as your daily routine.

You do have one of those, right?

For instance, a Daniel Ramsey day consists of waking up early, hitting the sauna, grabbing some coffee, journaling, setting aside some “thinking-time”, and getting on my feet to do something physical. Never forget that last one; it’s important to regularly get up and sweat. Keep the blood pumping in your body and your mind. Combine a daily routine with layers of support much as I do, and you’ve got a healthy support system for any entrepreneur.


One last tip for anyone trying to go themselves and their company is the utilization of virtual assistants. While you’re busy practicing that layered approach to entrepreneurial support, your business needs to be supported too. And what better way than to hire some helping hands for your local team, at up 70% less than the cost of a local hire?

A virtual professional who can do all the same things someone down the street can, only they’re much further away. If you care to learn more, click this link to request a FREE one-on-one consultation with one of our experts. We’ll listen to you first, hear you out and understand your situation. Then we’ll discuss an action plan for how a virtual assistant might help, with no obligation.



Daniel Ramsey

Daniel Ramsey is an entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of MyOutDesk, a company that provides virtual staffing solutions to businesses in various industries.