Celeste Johnson: HR & PEO Superstar CEO!
The faster your business grows, the more work you’ve got to take care of! It feels like a Catch-22: you need more staff — but you don’t have time for the HR nightmare that goes into recruiting. Celeste Johnson has the solution! You’ll learn how the owner of The Applied Companies (TAC) provides outsource HR services to streamline hiring, reduce costs, and eliminate unnecessary staffing overhead.
In this exciting interview, you’ll learn how Celeste Johnson built The Applied Companies into a Reno-area HR recruiting powerhouse, and she’ll share insights & lessons for success in successfully attracting & retaining top talent for your business. If you need talent, MyOutDesk can help — schedule your Double My Business Strategy Session now!
Celeste Johnson is the owner of The Applied Companies, the largest privately held HR and staffing firm in Northern Nevada. TAC has three divisions of workforce services; executive search, staffing and a professional employer organization which does HR, benefits and payroll for small to medium sized businesses.
Celeste started her career in human resources and found that working with a variety of business owners through the PEO division was what she enjoyed most. Helping to navigate employee issues and working on scalable business strategies was very rewarding. Celeste has been in the PEO space for over 15 years and worked in a variety of roles, including COO, until she purchased the company in 2018.
Celeste has her MBA from University of Nevada Reno, a PHR designation, is a Vistage International member and has sat on multiple boards, is involved in the community and has written numerous articles, including a regular column in the Reno Gazette Journal. Schedule your Double My Business Strategy Session now and add MyOutDesk to your HR Outsourcing team today!
Original Story: https://www.myoutdesk.com/celeste-johnson-hr-outsourcing-superstar-ceo/