What We Can Learn from a Billionaire About Today’s Market

Daniel Ramsey
4 min readMay 12, 2020

A friend of mine was recently on a call with Mark Cuban. Who else can say they’ve been taught by a billionaire?

Entrepreneurs, it is certain that the businesses who act diligently and stay informed will rise to the top. We are tired of hearing about today’s uncertainty. Instead of pausing with the rest of the world, the proactive business is reinventing itself.


Here are billionaire Mark Cuban’s advice and lessons on how to handle today’s market downturn. He is VERY bullish on the US and on American ingenuity. Once we are out of this recession, he thinks the country’s economy will bounce back and be so much stronger as a result.

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Of all of the “models” that the experts share as “data,” this is not actual data but rather an opinion or projection. Today, the data that we are looking at now is skewed by a huge outside factor that is making it more difficult to trust and analyze.

Look at it but take it with a grain of salt. Most of our best analysis and learning will be reflective.

Pay attention to the said data, but remember that the data presented AFTER this situation will be considered the “real” data.


It’s never the time to be selling and pitching items and services of value even in this current environment.

Authenticity is critical more than ever when selling. If you are calling on a prospect, empathy is key. Mark said that it’s ok to tell prospects that you are scared too (if that’s true). A great way to sell to continue rapport building, at a time that people are seeking to connect. Your authenticity will make you more relatable.

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Make it a point to learn something new daily. Even if you don’t think you need to know it. Mark mentioned he is going deep into learning about the future of A.I.

This is a common lesson of many billionaires, including Jeff Hoffman (founder of Priceline). Bill Gates reads at least 50 books a year. If you hear it more than once coming from a billionaire, then it must be a valid point, right? Mark pointed out to the group to take notes in the book margins and reflect chapter by chapter on what you’ve learned.

Learn how billionaires and millionaires are leveraging the remote workplace with a free MyOutDesk Business strategy call. Be proactive in today’s downturn: Schedule a call here!


You will never get anything without first asking. In the call, the moderator tested Mark’s advice and promptly asked him for an introduction to another influential person that the group could learn from. After laughing, Mark offered to connect the group with Barbara Corcharon. Point taken.


When you look in a decade from now, there will be around three to five huge companies that were formed during this time. Why not grow your business during these times? Mark said that all the improvements that you have been thinking about HAVE TO BE implemented now both personally and professionally. Get your unfair share and it starts by making those changes now.

If you wanted to implement that new system or software, do it now. Make that huge shift in your offering or streamline processes. Make it happen now.

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We are here only for your success. That’s why we are offering zero-obligation strategy calls with free access to our guides and books.

Schedule your free Thrive strategy call today. We’ll map out a plan for attaining:

  • The CEO Mindset. Lead by example, double down, and gain market share.
  • Your piece of the $2.2 trillion stimulus money. Figure out which part of the stimulus you can benefit from. Understand how to gain free money through forgivable loans and grants.
  • Refreshed value. Understand what people want and need now, and how your business can respond to these demands.
  • Becoming an Exceptional Force — all while reducing operational costs. Reduce operational costs with virtual assistants, a forgivable expense through the SBA. Restructure to a remote workspace and create new plans with a CEO’s mindset.

MyOutDesk brings you 13 years of recession-tackling knowledge. We are committed to supporting your continued drive to champion a thriving business and support your local community during the COVID-19 health crisis. Schedule a free strategy call today.

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Daniel Ramsey

Daniel Ramsey is an entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of MyOutDesk, a company that provides virtual staffing solutions to businesses in various industries.